I deliver keynote presentations to law firm retreats and other firm events. My presentations help firm leaders alert their lawyers to radical changes in the market for legal services and begin the process of re-engineering the firm to become more innovative and responsive to rapidly evolving client demands.

I also deliver plenary addresses on legal market change to lawyers associations and other legal organizations. My presentations explain the causes of legal market upheaval to association members and provide them with practical advice and guidance on how to adapt their own practices to be competitive in this new market.

I also speak on and moderate panels at conferences, lead workshops at retreats, and facilitate brainstorming sessions and hackathons.

To learn more about my speaking engagements and how I could design a presentation to meet the needs of your law firm or legal organization, contact me today.


Lawyers who attend my presentations come away with a clear understanding of the forces driving change in the law and a blueprint for how they and their law firms can achieve competitive dominance in the new legal market. They come to understand the impact of social, technological, and regulatory change on their practices, and to fully appreciate the perspectives and demands of legal buyers. They emerge from my presentations thinking differently about their work and ready to engage with their clients in a better and more productive way.


On those occasions when I haven’t been able to personally appear at an event, I have have delivered presentations over the Web using advanced and fully reliable videoconferencing software. I’ve used this technology to successfully deliver webinars to audiences in the United States, Great Britain, Europe, and Australia, appearing onscreen along with the slide deck during the presentation and engaging in question-and-answer sessions with attendees afterwards.


I’ve addressed regional, national and global law firms throughout the United States and Canada, as well as numerous other organizations and events over the past several years.

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Read a selection of testimonials from law firms and legal organizations that I’ve addressed in the last few years.

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